This is Mr.Lee of Corea-Auto.com
this website just built and not known well on the market until now so client doesn`t know of its existence. it must affect our dealing record....
we are having a difficult time to advertise this website......but some day it will be busy for supporting clients....
Sold Out at the yard
Ghana clients always like to Buy small car.
this client is well known in Korea and Ghana. Appiah is a leading business man in Korean Used car selling in Ghana. During his business trip in Korea, he send more than 10 containers to Ghana by his own budget. we call him as a Big guy.
Lonely Lion
it suits for him.
we sell out to him, Kia Pride diesel. GM Daewoo Matiz.
small guy takes item only following the demand of market.
big guy takes something good for market.
sorry for not keeping item to supply oversea clients.
and thanks Ask for Quotation through this website.
It was Mr. Lee so far.