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SNT trading company, Corea-auto, works with Angola clients

Dear sir/madam

How have you been? we are all passing through the CORONA 19 since it affect in the world.

it affected on the most of market, based on visiting customers. even USD currency value was going up and down sharply. so we have never expected its way.

Gasoline. 2019year model. Hyundai Santa_fe
Hyundai Santa_fe , Gasoline. Korean car dealer

but bad economic situation will stop and change to better way.

today. i`d like to share of our work.

Angola Clients keep asking me to buy Original Korean used car manufactured in Korea for the people. some clients know its model which made in Korea for Korean domestic market, different from exporting model from Korea.

Santa Fe, 2019 year model, Gasoline.

A client asked me to find this model few weeks ago then I finally, find it

Gasoline SUV is not common in Korea. we love to buy Diesel engine because of oil consumption.

many clients want to open car shop in their place and hoping to find good supplier. as we all know we need good partnership. you will be satisfied with the service which SNT trding company serve.

feel free to contact me

WhatsApp : +821092137809

Mr. Lee

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7 commentaires

13 sept. 2021

how much does it coast ; Hyunday Santa Fe 2019


13 sept. 2021

Hi i need to buy a car


Nwarie Nwarie
Nwarie Nwarie
19 mai 2021

Can you export car to Ukraine


David Carvalho
20 mars 2021

I need a car


David Carvalho
20 mars 2021

I am from Angola


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